So, I've worked on some measurements as a first step towards building a 3D model of the find as it progresses. Calculations are crudely made and solely based on what has been published, ie, 1.45m height of the sphinxes, 4.5m width of the corridor.
Measuring somehow the plinths right at the front (taking into account that they are closer to the camera sensor rendering the metric baton useless for other areas of the photo on the z axis), I am guesstimating approximately 0.9m, which as stated in the graphic above, it verifies the 4.5m of he corridor.
Moving on with guess-culations, I came up with the measurements shown below.
Next measurements, among others, will include door width/height/depth (already guesstimating depth at ~0.90m), wall plinths length, and making a top view plan of what is known.
A few nights ago, I rushed a 10 minute model on 3DS, just to get a quick pseudo-feel and some brain juice flowing. This will be scrapped of course and re-started with better guesstimated measurements; like the such posted above.
Stay tuned